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October 2017 meeting

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Knight Commission Calls for Change in College Football Playoff Revenues to Address National Challenges Facing the Sport

[ Sessions and video with experts on football finances and benefits for players; and leadership diversity in football and basketball ]

The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics called for the College Football Playoff to invest some of its revenue for the first time in national initiatives supporting the health and safety of football players and in programs to increase diversity among football coaches. In addition, the Commission urged the College Football Playoff to follow the NCAA’s lead in adding current or former student-athletes to its board of managers.

Knight Commission Urges NCAA to Pass Proposal to Reward Schools for Meeting Academic Expectations

[ Sessions and video with experts on college sports finances; and state and future of NCAA basketball ]

On the eve of a critical vote by the NCAA, the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics today urged passage of a new policy that would, for the first time, provide financial awards to schools that meet academic expectations for sports teams and athletes. During its fall meeting at the Newseum, the Commission also encouraged the NCAA to adopt policies under consideration that would reduce athletic time demands on college athletes.

Knight Commission Calls for NCAA to Transform its Guidelines for March Madness Revenues to Better Support College Athletes and Protect Financial Integrity

[ Sessions and video with experts on NCAA revenue distribution; health and safety issues; amateurism; and athletic time demands ]

The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics met today at the National Press Club and called for the NCAA to establish a new guiding principle for the use of NCAA revenues distributed to institutions from the March Madness tournament. The Commission recommended that 100 percent of NCAA revenues received by institutions should be restricted to supporting athletes’ education and providing them with appropriate health and safety benefits and protections. Under current guidelines, just 25 percent of NCAA revenues received by institutions are restricted to support athletes’ education and provide other benefits.

Knight Commission to Meet on May 10 at National Press Club

First meeting for new co-vice chair Arne Duncan; Lon Kruger, Marcus Lattimore and JC Watts among guest panelists Who: The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics, chaired by William E. “Brit” Kirwan, chancellor emeritus, University System of Maryland; and Co-Vice Chairs Carol Cartwright, president emeritus, Kent State University and Arne Duncan, former U.S. Secretary of Education,

Knight Commission Urges A Student-Centered Approach in College Sports

[ Sessions and video with experts on anti-tax law and current litigation impacting college sports; educational goals; and professional standards for coaches ]

The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics convened leaders in athletics administration and experts in antitrust and tax law, public policy and economics to examine pressing issues in college sports and concluded that universities must apply a more laser-like focus on the educational experience of students who compete in intercollegiate athletics.