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ESPN: Will NCAA committee take scalpel or bonfire approach to Division I changes?

Dan Murphy of ESPN quotes Knight Commission CEO, Amy Perko, regarding the implications of the evolution of college sports and NCAA Constitutional changes. “The Knight Commission, a college sports reform advocacy group, has previously suggested that a lot of the problems facing college sports could be solved by removing FBS-level football from the NCAA and

Associated Press: NCAA ratifies new constitution, paving way to restructuring

Ralph Russo of Associated Press cites the Knight Commission’s December 2020 governance recommendation. “​​The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics has recommended moving major college football from under the NCAA’s umbrella altogether and creating a separate organization to manage the 10 conferences and 130 schools competing in Division I’s Bowl Subdivision.”  Read More Here.

The Chronicle of Higher Education: The NCAA Has a New Constitution. What Will That Mean for Big-Time College Sports? No One Knows

Eric Kelderman of The Chronicle of Higher Education cites the Knight Commission’s assessment of the NCAA’s constitutional reforms and notes the Knight Commission’s recommendation for reform to the CFB Playoff.  “For the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics, which aims to strengthen the educational mission of college sports, the NCAA’s reforms fall short because they fail

The Athletic: At the NCAA convention, a new constitution is only the beginning for college sports leaders

Leading up to the 2022 NCAA Convention, Nicole Auerbach of The Athletic highlights the Knight Commission’s financial C.A.R.E. Model.  “‘The proposed solution [the C.A.R.E. Model] does tie the financial framework directly to, frankly, the constitutional principles that the membership will vote on that day — which are not that different than the current principles, to

The Washington Post: What new NCAA constitution would mean for college sports

Liz Clarke of The Washington Post cites the Knight Commission’s C.A.R.E. Model and cites Co-Chair Nancy Zimpher. “In the run-up to the NCAA constitutional convention, the Knight Commission leaders have advocated adoption of their financial model now, before the anticipated flood of new revenue skews future decisions on how college sports are governed. Knight Commission Co-Chair

Associated Press: Emmert says NCAA efforts to reform not motivated by fear

Ralph Russo of Associated Press cited Knight Commission meeting NCAA Board of Directors Chair John G. DeGioia to discuss the reform of the NCAA constitution and highlight DeGioga’s comment that the Commission’s recommendations should be considered in the next phase of NCAA reform.  “The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics, a group of former and current